"I have been with you for over 9 years and think you have the best boat storage facility in the Somerset area. Outstanding security is provided in fire proof metal buildings surrounded by a high chain link fence with climb-over protection...Each space also has electric lights and power for battery charging and use of a vacuum and power tools...An attendant is on duty at all times who lives next to the storage facility and is always helpful and cooperative."
1696 Cedar Grove Rd.
Somerset, KY 42501
- 3 miles from Burnside Marina (3.5 miles from General Burnside Island).
- Just 2 miles north of the Hwy. 27 & 90 intersection and, just 2 miles south of the Hwy. 914 By-Pass on Cedar Grove Rd.
Directions from By-Pass 914
Turn south onto Highway 1247. Go 2.2 miles and turn right onto Bend of the Lakes Rd. Take a quick right onto Cedar Grove Rd. We’re located just 0.7 miles on the left.